Doctors said that the Imanov couple’s baby Renat who was born with half a heart, had ‘no chance of survival’.

Doctors said that theImanov couple’s baby Renat who was born with half a heart, had ‘no chance of survival’. Moreover, the baby’s problems did not end there. The pulmonary artery hadn’t been formed. Arteries from the lung to the heart had complications and blockages. There was a defect in the heart valve too. And that’s when the Imanov’s voyage of hope begun. They have gone through many hospitals, consulted doctors. Just when they were losing hope, they have contacted a foundation that helps sick children.Thus Renat came to Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital. When the baby was brought to the hospital, She had some severe cyanosis and was breathing with diffivulty.

8-Hour Fight For Life

Heart Surgeon Bülent Polat, M.D. and his team have responded to baby Renat whose heart had stopped beating the day he arrived at the hospital. The baby has gotten a grip on life after an 8-hour long successful operation. Surgeon Bülent Polat, M.D. has then given the good news to the family. Then a week later… Baby Renat considered to have “No chance of survival” has been discharged with a smile on his face.

How Did The Treatment Take Place

“When we took baby Renat to intensive care, he had intense coughing and advanced breathing difficulty His color had become a blackish purple. He couldn’t be fed, food was being administered via a tube inserted in his stomach. The lung infection was making matters even worse. On the first day, his heart stopped. We immediately attached him to a breathing machine and with an hour long effort, brought him back to life. Attached to the breathing machine, he was kept in sleep and treated for infection for 3 days. A soon as blood tests and other findings turned out to be favourable, we took him to open heart surgery. First we have corrected the problems and narrowings in the vessels arteries from the lungs to the heart. Using both the membrane of the heart and artificial artery; we have made a new artery going from the heart to the lung. We have repaired the cardiac valves. In this way we have established a totally normal circulatory system. After an 8-hour long surgery, we gave the family the good news. From now on blood oxygenation will be normal, baby’s difficulty in breathing and cyanosis will get better, he will grow up like a normal baby. After staying 3 days in intensive care, baby Renat was taken to his mother totally pink with no breathing problems; he was full of smiles. The mother was having difficulty in believing that she was seeing him this healthy. Her happiness and joy were worth seeing. After a week we saw them off as a normal baby to their countries.”

Baby Ensar who was said to “live not more than an hour after birth”, held on to life again with invasive cardiologic intervention.

Life is full of miracles… The doctors were hopeless… They said “He won’t live, not even for an hour” to the mother about her baby in her womb. However, his mother didn’t lose faith and gave birth. Muhammed Ensar Çıtır was one oftens of babies that were born with tis severe heart disorder… The baby born in Malatya was missing the right side of his heart. After birth, the baby remaind in an incubator for 12 days and day after day, the vessel that needs to be open for him to survive was narrowed. Muhammed was immediately brought to Florence Nightingale Hospital and taken to cardiac catheterization by . Prof. Yalçın Yalım, M.D. and his team. This vessel called ‘PDA’ was successfully dilated with a atent implantaion. Prof. Yalçın Yalım, M.D. informed, “The treatment plan has two phases. When Muhammed is 2,5-3 years old, he will have another surgery.” Muhammed held on to life again with the right intervention.


Did you know that urinary tract stones are one of the most common diseases in the whole Middle East region and in our country?

It usually manifests itself with severe pain. Kidney stones are formed approximately in 10% of males and 3% of females in a period of their lives.

How do the urinary tract stones form?

Kidney stones are usually formed due to precipitation of the minerals that we take into the body with food and beverages as small particles in the kidney. Normally, the formation of those stones are prevented through the protective substances of the body in the urine. However, in some cases this protective mechanism loses its effect. If the resulting particles are small, they are excreted from the urine without causing any symptoms. Larger stones may be trapped somewhere and cause obstruction in the kidney or urinary tract.

Who are at risk for kidney stone formation?

Kidney stone may be observed in kidney stone family history, with the use of high dose calcium and vitamin D, overweight, in patients with urinary tract infection, high blood pressure, metabolic diseases such as gout disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, thyroid and parathyroid diseases and some types of cancer, as well as with some foods and beverages consumed.

What is renal calculi?

Burning sensation may be felt during voiding in patients who pass a high volume of renal calculi. No association between passing kidney stone and sexual life was found.

Is passing renal calculi and stone formation seasonal?

It is known that passing renal calculi increases in the summer month. Increased fluid loss due to sweating in the summer month causes insufficient fluid intake leading to increased mineral density in urine. Therefore, the risk of stone formation is higher. When a comparison is made between day and night, the effect of sweating during the night when there is no fluid intake, stone formation is more likely to occur at night than in the daytime.

For which stone size is surgery required?

It is known that the stones 5 mm or less in size do not require any process since they pass spontaneously. However, based on the extensive studies and disease management guidelines, it is suggested that recently detected stones below 10 mm in size will also pass spontaneously. Stones over 10 mm in size should be treated with surgery or non-surgical treatment (lithotripsy). More important than stone size in stone disease is the severity of the complaints that the patient has experienced and the degree of damage to the kidney and urinary tract.

What comes to mind when it is said surgery?

When the surgery is said, open surgery occurs to people’s mind immediately. However, most of the kindey stone operations in today’s technology are performed endoscopically without an incision is made on the body which is called “minimally invasive”. In this way, patients may rapidly recover and return to daily life.


In our Breast Health Center, breast cancer, breast disease treatment and breast conserving surgery have been applied with a multidisciplinary approach since 1992, sentinel lymph node biopsy after 1996 and oncoplastic breast surgery method for the last 10 years

Our specialist physicians have been working in scientific cooperation with; AAMC Breast Center Breast Center, the Breast Health Global Initiative, the Senologic International Society, World Society of Breast Health, Turkey Breast Diseases Association Federation and Turkey’s first fixed Breast Health established the Screening Center for Breast Health Association (memeder)
Early diagnosis and effective treatment can be provided with advanced devices in our breast health center.


WVU- Heart and Vascular Instıtute Department of Thoracic Surgery

Group Florence Nightingale Thoracic Oncology Program
This conference has been designed for physicians who have interest in the new concepts in the treatment of Esophageal and Lung Cancers and related diseases and treatments.
During the two-day event there will be keynote presentations followed by case presentations and panel discussions. The focus will be on integrating multidisciplinary teams for optimizing patient-centered therapies.
The schedule provides opportunities to meet with physicians who are helping provide improved treatment options.

The course also features networking opportunities where the latest diagnostic and therapies will be discussed.

Conference Details:
Date: January 31st, 2020
Location: Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Merkez, Abide-i Hürriyet Cd No:166, 34381 Şişli/İstanbul TURKEY

08:50 – 09:00 Opening

09:00 – 10:45 Esophageal cancer and contemporary treatments

  Moderator: Coşkun Tecimer, MD – Fatih Tunca, MD

09:15 – 09:45 New trends in esophageal cancer treatment.
  Neoadjuvant, adjuvant therapies and robotic esophageal cancer surgery

  Ghulam Abbas, MD (Director of Thoracic Oncology)

09:45 – 10:05 Place of radiotherapy in the treatment of esophageal cancer

  Şefik İğdem, MD

10:05 – 10:25 Esophageal cancer, new trends in medical oncology

  Nur Dinç, MD

10:25 – 10:45 Discussion

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 – 13:00 Lung cancer and contemporary treatments

  Moderator: Adalet Demir, MD and Adnan Aydıner, MD

11:15 – 11:35 New trends in surgery for lung cancer
 SBRT vs Robotic segmentectomy

 Ghulam Abbas, MD (Director of Thoracic Oncology)

11:35 – 11:55 Early stage lung cancer and adjuvant chemotherapies

  Adnan Aydıner, MD

11:55 – 12:15 Reevaluation of mediastinum before surgery after neoadjuvant treatment

  Levent Dalar, MD

12:15 – 12:35 Local advance lung cancer surgery and multimodality therapies. Risks and benefits. Does it worth?

  Alper Toker, MD

12:35 – 13:00 SBRT results in early stage lung cancer

  Şefik İğdem, MD

14:00 – 17:00 A) Robotic live surgery
  B) Video session for surgeons, videos from library

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Глобальный справочник в здравоохранении

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