
Baby Ensar’s Holding to Life!

Baby Ensar who was said to “live not more than an hour after birth”, held on to life again with invasive cardiologic intervention.

Life is full of miracles… The doctors were hopeless… They said “He won’t live, not even for an hour” to the mother about her baby in her womb. However, his mother didn’t lose faith and gave birth. Muhammed Ensar Çıtır was one oftens of babies that were born with tis severe heart disorder… The baby born in Malatya was missing the right side of his heart. After birth, the baby remaind in an incubator for 12 days and day after day, the vessel that needs to be open for him to survive was narrowed. Muhammed was immediately brought to Florence Nightingale Hospital and taken to cardiac catheterization by . Prof. Yalçın Yalım, M.D. and his team. This vessel called ‘PDA’ was successfully dilated with a atent implantaion. Prof. Yalçın Yalım, M.D. informed, “The treatment plan has two phases. When Muhammed is 2,5-3 years old, he will have another surgery.” Muhammed held on to life again with the right intervention.

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ჯგუფი Florence Nightingale საავადმყოფოები Ltd დიდი ბრიტანეთი 2020, ყველა უფლება დაცულია.

ჯგუფი Florence Nightingale საავადმყოფოები Ltd დიდი ბრიტანეთი 2020, ყველა უფლება დაცულია.